The Awardees of 2020 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Champion: SM St. Patrick, Tawau, Malaysia (Ist Prize Winner)

The project “Five Green Programme” of SM St. Patrick, Tawau, Malaysia School was selected as the 1st winner of the 2020 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award (International Environmental Competition) under the theme “Addressing Plastic Problems for Transforming Communities”


大馬首間政府中學湖聖拔特中學「五個綠色計劃」奪SEAMEO國際環保冠軍榮譽獎(斗湖1日訊)斗湖聖拔特中學 – 馬來西亞首間政府中學贏得SEAMEO國際環保冠軍榮譽獎。在聖拔特中學卓越校長李建文和負責老師黃惠玲領導下,沙巴州斗湖聖拔特中學在國際環保領域首次獲得冠軍獎榮譽。該校的“五個綠色計劃(Five Greens Programme)” 項目得到來自日本、菲律賓、泰國、印尼等七位評審團員的肯定,以致被選為2020年度SEAMEO – 日本ESD獎(國際環保競賽)的第一名;主題為“解決社區轉型中的塑料問題”。 官方成績已於2021å¹´1月30日,在SEAMEO網站上頒佈揭曉。SEAMEO-Japan ESD環保大獎是在 2012年首次推介;而斗湖聖拔特中學是馬來西亞第一所獲得冠軍榮譽獎的政府中學。此外,該校也曾於2018年獲得HARAPAN SERASI獎項的州屬冠軍;更再接再厲在 2019年獲得全馬可持續性環境發展學校(SLAAS)- 全國總冠軍榮譽獎。 該校通過“終結塑料污染”運動開展了五個“綠色計劃”;該計劃是用五個行動實行:走進綠色(Go Green) 、活出綠色(Live Green)、熱愛綠色(Love Green)、思索綠色(Think Green) 和成為綠色( Be Green)。 為此,教師以及該校的學生都擁有對塑料知識的認知、技能、態度、價值觀和行為;更重要的是,大家能在日常生活中與整個學校社區一起對塑料廢物的管理作出實踐。該校的五項“綠色計劃“”所實施的相關策略和活動如下:活動1 :“您與塑料的可持續性發展”環保課本在聖拔特中學課堂上的教授與應用; 應用此課本的目的是為該校的老師和學生在課堂教學中提供正確的塑料環保信息。活動2 :“綠色走廊 (Green Corridor) ”項目; 此“綠色走廊”的目的是要向學校社區和當地社區傳播環境教育的信息和有關“終結性塑料污染”的意識。活動3 :在學校的每個教室中,創建一個“可持續性環保創意發展角落”(Sustainable Corner)。 活動4 :師生對塑料廢物的各種創新。例如:(a)綠色科技 (Green Technology): 使用塑料瓶創建“綠色墻” (Green Wall)。 (b)“綠色走廊”項目:在“綠色走廊”與塑料垃圾桶“說不”。(c)“綠色走廊”項目:在“綠色走廊”與塑料花盆“說不”。活動5 :“ 環保磚塊”項目。活動6 :在學校食堂開展“零塑料袋”運動。活動7: 在學校建立塑料廢物收集回收站。活動8: 加入“國際環境清理”(Clean up)活動。東南亞教育部長組織(SEAMEO)和日本教育、文化、體育、科學和技術部(MEXT)與聯合國教科文組織亞太地區教育局(UNESCO Bangkok)對來自東南亞8個國家(即文萊達魯薩蘭國、柬埔寨、印度尼西亞、馬來西亞、緬甸、菲律賓、泰國和越南)的181所學校,參加了這一次2020å¹´SEAMEO日本ESD獎表示感謝。這一屆也是有史以來最多參賽學校。自2012年以來,日本政府通過MEXTå’ŒSEAMEO的合作為SEAMEO-Japan ESD獎的組織做出了支持和貢獻。在此,卓越校長李建文對該校敬業的老師們、同學們和非教學人員的積極參與表示讚賞。李校長也對該校的學生家長、聖拔特中學董事會主席 – Dr. James Ku和所有董事會成員、家教協會主席 – Elsie Philip以及所有委員會成員、校友會主席 – Tan Suk Ming、校友們、所有非政府組織和斗湖社區的私人機構,給予這個活動項目的支持與幫助表示

First International Victory for SM St. Patrick, Tawau, Sabah in the field of Environmental Preservation and Conservation

First International Victory for SM St. Patrick, Tawau, Sabah in the field of Environmental preservation and conservation under the leadership of the school Excellent Principal, Mr Lee Ken Voon and Coordinating Teacher, Miss Wong Fui Lin.   The project “Five Greens Programme” of SM St. Patrick, Tawau, Malaysia School was selected as the 1st Winner of the  2020 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award (International Environmental Competition) under the theme “Addressing Plastic Problems for Transforming Communities”.   The official results was announced on the SEAMEO website on 30 Jan 2021.

SM St. Patrick, Tawau was the first secondary school in Malaysia to be awarded the 1st Prize Winner when SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award was first introduced in 2012.   Besides, SM St Patrick Tawau was the State Champion of Harapan Serasi Award in 2018 and also the Recipient of  the National Level Sustainable School – Environmental Award (SLAAS) Year 2019.

The Five (5) Greens Programme through The ‘End Plastic Pollution’ Campaign was being implemented in the school in line with these five (5) actions: Go Green, Live Green, Love Green, Think Green and Be Green, so that the teachers and students in our school were embedded the proper plastic knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, behaviors and more importantly, connected plastic waste management practices in their daily life and also the entire school community.

The related strategies and activities that the school has implemented under this Five (5) Greens Programme were as follows:

Activity 1:  Use of  ‘Plastic, Sustainability & You’  Module in Classroom Teaching.  The purpose of using this module book is  to equip our teachers and students with the right information about plastics.

Activity 2:  Construction of Building ‘Green Corridor’ Project in our school. The purpose of this ‘Green Corridor’ is to disseminate the messages of the environmental education and awareness about ‘End Plastic Pollution’  to the school community and local communities.

Activity 3:  Creating a “Creative and Innovative Sustainable Corner” in every classroom at our school. 

Activity 4:  Various Innovations of Plastic Waste Project by our teachers and students such as:

(a)  Green Technology:  Creating ‘Green Wall’ using plastic bottles.

(b)  ‘Green Corridor’ Project:  ‘Say No’  to Plastic Rubbish Bins Along the School ‘Green Corridor’.

(c)  ‘Green Corridor’ Project:  ‘Say No’  to Plastic Flower Pots Along the School ‘Green Corridor’.

Activity 5:  ‘Ecobrick’ Project.

Activity 6:  ‘No Plastic Bags’ Campaign at School Canteens.

Activity 7:  Creating Collecting and Recycling Centre for Plastic Waste at School.

Activity 8:  Join ‘A Cleanup’.

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan in cooperation with UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (UNESCO Bangkok) would like to express the appreciation to the participation of 181 schools from 8 Southeast Asian countries, namely, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, in the 2020 SEAMEO Japan ESD Award. The Government of Japan has contributed and supported the organisation of SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award through the collaboration of MEXT and SEAMEO since 2012”.

School Principal, Mr Lee would like to express the appreciation  to the active participation of our school dedicated teachers, students and non teaching staff in this Five Greens Programme.

Appreciation is also extended to our school parents, Board of Management Chairman, Dr. James Ku Fon Kiew, School Chaplain, Rev. Timothy Sng and all Board Members, PIBG Chairlady, Madam Elsie Philip, Vice President, Mdm Magdalind Gabriel and all PIBG Committee Members and Alumni Association President, Mr Tan Suk Ming  and all alumni members, Non Governmental Organisation (NGOs) and Private Agencies from Tawau Communities.

Updated: April 20, 2021 — 10:58 am

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